Welcome to the August 2018 WST Newsletter

By Michael Sinnott, Director of Agile

August greetings from the Work Smarter Together Community of Practice. This is our 5th newsletter since their start in June 2017.  We have news from the WST Summer School in July, project stories, skills ideas and more.  This is a chance to see some of what is happening across the campus.

Apart from the newsletters we have also had WST events in July and October 2017, and February and July so far this year.  Those outside UCD often assume we are all on holidays for the summer, little realising that for some this is one of the busiest times of the year.  Despite holidays and the summer busyness, in July we had over 120 signups for WST Summer School events, including the first gathering of the Agile Community of Practice.

UCD Agile has updated its ‘Agile Agenda’ and there is an interesting piece in the newsletter, if your interest stretches to how we go about doing Agile, on the recent update of the ‘Agile Agenda’, one element of which is plans for a student experience mapping project.

There is the usual mixture of project news, community news, and tools and techniques stories so be sure to check for what interests you.

