DO: Where are we now? Resources

As we continue our journey in the ‘Distributed Office’ –  what can we do to help make sure a team or unit is clear on what it is doing?  How can we make a good start to change… given change is a day-to-day constant?  What are the ideas and conversations we can use to help us deal with the complexity we live in?  

Ask the question…Where are we now?

… and use the ‘now’ arising to get a grip on what is going on around you or in planning or in issue resolution or in team building or in communications planning…  Knowing where you are now is the start of a wonderful journey.

‘DO Where are we now?’ comes from work done through Work Smarter Together, the USM-supported Remote Working Group, and UCD Agile. 

The resources and information here  will support those who have attended the training session. 

They can also be used independently – you do not need to have attended the session. If you’re unsure and would like to talk this through with the Agile team, just drop us an email – 

Dates for future training sessions will be added on a regular basis – keep an eye on the InfoHub Booking Centre for details. 

Resources and further reading

The following resources and further reading  are designed to help you on your Where are we now? journey. You will find lots more information by following this link.

You might also find the following useful to cement the thinking:

For more about Lean HE  – see Lean HE Global Festival.

We hope you find these resources useful. 

As always, contact us at with any questions or comments!