News from the #UCDWST October Event – 23 October 2019
Our #UCDWST 23 October 2019 Event was a great success with over 120 colleagues from across UCD in attendance!
Check the link to the slides from the event at the bottom of this post.
Professor Mark Rogers opened the event and awarded Agile’s new Lean Practitioners with their Certificates of Achievement.

Professor Mark Rogers, Registrar & Deputy President (photo by: Louise Griffin, College of Social Sciences and Law)
Congratulations to UCD’s first 9 Lean Practitioners;
- John Wyatt – Student/Supervisor Allocation – School of Veterinary Medicine
- Giuliana Rocca – Exam paper processing – School of Agriculture and Food Science
- Ioanna Galeadi – Graduate Studies workshops – Graduate Studies
- Dimitrios-Stavros Kapetanakis – Bibliographic metrics – UCD Research
- Nicola Fortune – Mock Interview Process – UCD Careers Network
- Joe Nankivell – Handling new books – UCD Library
- Mark Coyne – External lecturer’s notes – School of Medicine
- Áine Heffernan – Running of experiments – School of Medicine
- Sinéad Lindsay – Sample labelling consistency – School of Medicine
(Contact UCD Agile if you would like to know more about the Lean Practitioner award).
The first segment of the event started with an inspiring presentation from our guest speaker John O’Sullivan. John shared his journey from his very first taste of project management, through business led projects to developing the Programme Management Office (PMO) in Trinity College. This was a mix of how careers evolve and how John brought his experience to the challenges of a university environment. See his slides in the link below for this and you want to find out more on The PMO in Trinity you can check this video:
Following on from John’s presentation, Marian O’Connor (UCD Senior Project Manager) delivered an excellent overview of the new Project Management Community of Practice objectives and plans. Again, the slides below give you more detail on this – and you can always find Marian O’Connor, Frank McDonald, Brídín Walsh or Iseult Ó Síocháin on the staff directory if you want to mail or call them.

Samantha Fahy,Director of Sustainability, DCU (photo by: Louise Griffin, College of Social Sciences and Law)
The second segment kicked of with Samatha Fahy, DCU’s Sustainability Manager, painting the sustainability picture for DCU. The presentation was very interesting as Samantha ranged across how our personal choices impact the environment to institutional initiatives to national agendas and the international picture. Did you know that washing hands in cold water is as hygienic as washing hands in warm water or that avoiding one transatlantic flight has almost as high an impact on climate change as lifetime of being car free? What’s your carbon footprint?
Ciáran Bennett and Pia Polotto from UCD Estates Services talked about all the great Lean Green initiatives and projects in UCD and how you can get involved. The slide deck below gives more detail on their contribution.
This segment ended with Michael Sinnott of UCD Agile sketching how Lean, as an approach to framing and answering improvement questions, can be used in pursuing the green and sustainability questions. UCD Agile provides lots of different kinds of supports to folks looking at ‘how do we make things better?’ questions – be sure to contact UCD Agile if you would like to explore possibilities further.
You can view the slides from the event on SlideShare below or go to SlideShare if you want to download them – you can only see the slide transitions/notes if you download.
See you at the next Work Smarter Together event in February 2020.