One Thing to know about UCD IT Services in 2024

Who are you guys?

UCD IT Services

  Where do you fit in in the broader UCD picture?

We are part of Academic Affairs, reporting to the Registrar and Deputy President.

  What would you like to make your colleagues aware of coming into 2024?

IT Services has created a Guide for Deploying Digital Solutions in UCD for those considering investing in or deploying digital solutions in their workplace. This covers not only technical and security guidelines, but also things like procurement, data protection and support, as well as links to relevant university principles and policies.

In order to make it easier for staff to adhere to UCD’s Device Protection Policy, IT Services has rolled out the first phase of the Device Health project whereby a security posture check is undertaken on the devices being used by staff to access university systems, with information for the staff member on how to rectify issues found. In 2024, the next phase will be initiated which will take a further step towards safeguarding the university systems from being accessed by insecure devices.

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