Online training now available

UCD Agile are now offering Lean training online to expand our support while working at distance. 

Last week, we ran our very first online Yellow Belt training and participants were really pleased with the sessions. Below are some comments we received;

‘I loved the breakout sessions, and enjoyed being in the same groups each time. Even virtually, you could feel a bond with the others, and this was really nice. It was fantastic to hear about others’ projects.’ – Niamh Nestor (School of Veterinary Medicine)

‘I really liked the online sessions! It was easier for me to stay focused and interact with my group without any problems(…)’ – Linda Brzychcyk (School of Medicine)

Training is available to UCD colleagues in ‘a virtual classroom’ (VC) via Zoom application. 

There are a number of different levels of Lean training available so you can choose a level that suits your needs.

UCD staff can book a place on one of our upcoming remote training days through the booking centre in InfoHub.

White Belt training – 27th May 2020

This is an introduction to how Lean Six Sigma is used for continuous improvement in UCD.

  • Pre-read & short questions for learners to answer in advance of the course
  • 2 hours VC via Zoom 
  • There will be breakout sessions during the 2 hours VC

Yellow Belt training 5th and 7th May 2020

This training provides participants with a good understanding of the concepts and key tools of Lean Six Sigma and includes a hands on lean process simulation exercise. Ideal for those who intend to put the tools to use. There is no need to complete the White Belt training first as the content  of it will be covered during the sessions.

  • Pre-read & short questions for learners to answer in advance of the course
  • Tuesday 5th May: 10.00-12.00pm – 2 hours VC via Zoom
  • Individual work to be completed by learners
  • Thursday 7th May: 9.30am-10am pre-course group work in breakout groups
  • 10.15 – 12.15pm – 2 hours VC via Zoom
  • There will be breakout sessions during the 2 hours VCs

Lean Practitioner workshop 27th May 2020

This training is for people who have already completed the Yellow Belt and now want to obtain UCD Lean Practitioner Certification. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate and be recognised for your Lean skills. Read more.

  • Pick your project and simply provide us with the description of your project using BOSCARD template
  • Once your project is approved sign up for the workshop
  • 10.00-12.00 – 2 hours VC via Zoom

If there is anything we in Agile can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at or via Zoom.