Project Focus – The essential role of stakeholders as collaborators, contributors and champions

Considering your stakeholders is vital to a project. This is something that must be revisted over the course of the project. You need to know who to includeat each point so that challenges can be overcome by engaging with appropriate stakeholders with the right expertise

We looked at  UCD LEAP through the lense of it's stakeholders and worked together to create a presentation that focuses on the role of those stakeholders in LEAP.

The LEAP (Live Engagement & Attendance) project was initiated in 2018 and proposed that Student Advisers would be provided with real-time programme-level engagement data in order to:

  • Make targeted, proactive interventions possible

  • Enable greater (and more appropriate) usage of existing student support resources

This project was funded by the HEA from 2019 – 2022, and LEAP project activity had several key benefits / outcomes to the University in the areas of during this period including:

  • Improved retention and progression outcomes for students

  • Increased utilisation of institutional student support resources enhancing student success and well-being

  • Creation of real-time, programme-level digital support infrastructure tools

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