Register now: WST CoP event 23 October

The next WST CoP event will take place at 2pm on Monday, 23 October in the Moore Auditorium, O’Brien Centre for Science.
We are delighted to announce that Sean Paul Teeling from the UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems and John Maxwell from the National Treasury Management Agency will be our guest speakers.
The focus of the session is around ‘Leveraging your institution’s support’. This is about you as an individual and how you can make the best of the opportunities that UCD provide to support creativity and innovation.
The event will be an opportunity not only to build skills and knowledge but will also be a chance to meet colleagues from around the campus.
For more information on What a Community on practice is, visit:
Event Details –
2pm Welcome and WST CoP News
2.05pm Sean Paul Teeling – UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems and the mater Lean Academy
2.25pm John Maxwell and the NTMA story
2.45 Dialogue between Sean Paul and John and the audience
3.00 Tea and coffee and mingling
Looking forward to seeing you there!