UCD Agile deliver their first in-house Lean Six Sigma training

By Olga Murdoch and Kim Lacey, UCD Agile.

A big thank you to all those who attended our first in-house Lean Six Sigma training entitled “the Fundamentals of Lean for UCD”. The training was delivered by Olga Murdoch and was held as part of the the WST Summer School on the 18 July. The training was a great success and we received some really positive feedback from those who attended.

Helen Guerin from IT Services attended the workshop, her high point from the training was “discussing issues and how to resolve them & hearing other peoples’ perspectives”. She said “Olga and Kim were excellent facilitators, Thank you!”.

Similarly Michelle Dalton from the Library said that her high point was the “presenter’s delivery, expertise and facilitation/support provided throughout group activities”. She felt that the session was “very tailored to the academic context which was most helpful”.

Ger Hanley from the School of Biosystems and Food Engineering said that “interactions and dissecting procedures/policies” were her high points and she “also made a connection with a colleague from another department that” she “would never of crossed paths with”.

In the true spirit of Agile we will aim to learn from the experience and continuously improve the training based on the feedback from attendees. This programme will continue to be offered as part of the Agile’s ongoing training. It has been developed to deliver staff with White Belt level training specific to the UCD context. It is a hands on introduction to how Lean Six Sigma is used for continuous improvement in UCD and was designed to enable any staff member in UCD to be part of process improvement initiatives or projects.

If you are interested in attending the next the Fundamentals of Lean for UCD check out our training page for further details or contact us on agile@ucd.ie