UCD WST October Event Recap

By Bernadeta Kieromin, UCD Agile

We had a great time at UCD Work Smarter Together October Event.

We would like to thank you all again for coming and make it happen.  Special thanks to Prof. Mark Rogers for the event opening, our guest speakers: John O’Sullivan (TCD) and Samantha Fahy (DCU), UCD speakers: Iseult Ó Síocháin, Marian O’Connor, Ciáran Bennett and Pia Polotto, and our emcee Michael Sinnott.

We received a positive feedback and would like to share it with you.

Here is what you thought were the high points of the event…

‘Good opportunity to meet and hear about the all efforts and initiatives ongoing across the wider UCD community. Equally useful to help a more global overview from experts external to the University on their current work and valuable knowledge on areas of global interest and future focus.’

‘Samantha Fahy – in equal measure an inspiring & terrifying presentation.’

‘Hearing people external to UCD talk about their experience.’

low points…

‘Q & A – I feel this was rushed and cut short.’

‘Missing Michael’s presentation due to lack of time.’

and what you would like to see more of in the future

‘Continue to include presentations from UCD staff (offices/teams/ units) on various projects being carried out across the campus which have/plan to have a positive focus on the campus community and/or wider local/national/ international environment. It should help to discover / encourage more valuable feedback/input from the wider UCD community for progress on such initiatives .’

‘Opportunities to share thoughts/ideas with colleagues in a structured way.’

‘State of development of Community of Practice Project.’

We promise to work very hard to match our next event in February 2020 with your feedback!

If you attended the #UCDWST October and want to tell us about your experience clink on this link.

Click here to view #UCDWST October Event gallery.

Slides from the event are available here.