Welcome to the December 2018 Newsletter

By Michael Sinnott, Director of Agile

Welcome to the December 2018 WST newsletter and all the very best for the holiday seasons ahead.

Time flies and we find ourselves about to enter the last year of the second decade of the 21st century! So catching your attention as the year edges out and 2019 looms… this WST newsletter may not make your ‘top 10 memories of 2018’ but we hope you will find something interesting in it, for it is full of lots of your colleagues doing lots of good things. 

Were we a town in Ireland we would be the 9th largest, just ahead of Bray, just a few thousand behind Dundalk.  Work Smarter Together’s theme is ‘celebrating our collaboration and creativity’ so at this time of the year – with the semester exams in full flight, the libraries packed, and the glow of the graduation ceremonies just fading – it is worth recalling just what it takes to make this town tick. Well done to all.

And don’t forget to put 14 March 2019 in your diary for WST ’19 – the exciting UCD-wide event dedicated to celebrating our creativity, innovation and collaboration.  This year’s theme is “Our people, shaping a better future”. If you are thinking of sharing some of your work at the event we have an information session at 11 am on 9 January 2019, in UCD Agile. 

Click on this link for the newsletter itself.

See you in 2019.

