Welcome to the May 2022 Newsletter and this ever-changing world of ours.  

As I look out on the early summer… oops, I’m in the office and my room has no windows, just a skylight… as I remember just walking through the drifts of blossoms billowing across the early morning campus, I’m struck by the “strange it seems normal… normal seems strange” feel of the place.  Some people never went remote from the campus, some of us are back a couple of months, and with the political and economic landscape around most of us are wondering what the next six months will bring. Still, I managed to arrange two sunshine coffee meetings last week, out by the lake, and it was good to be with colleagues and have a real conversation where you could break eye contact and just seem to be enjoying the view rather than suffering from Zoom fatigue. 


Enjoy the view of your colleagues from across the campus you will get in this newsletter and see you at the July WST Summer School.



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