WST Event March 2021 – Save the Date!

By Michael Sinnott, UCD Agile

The next big University-wide Work Smarter Together event will take place on Wednesday 10 March 2021.

At the heart of these sessions, since the first in 2014, has been the chance to connect up with colleagues from across the campus, attend interesting sessions, hear good thoughts, see good ideas…

No matter what, I don’t think 400 of us gathering in the O’Brien Centre for Science on March 10 is going to happen – we’ve not tried to book it, for one – so this will be a different kind of WST University Event. 

But what kind?  “Celebrating collaboration and creativity” was the desire that gave rise to the first WST in 2014, led to all the WST developments since, and always lies at the heart of WST.  And how will we structure and put the event together?

So what theme do you think we might have for the event in 2021? Are you interested in helping to shape the event?  Send us your ideas using the form below. 

