WST21: Programme – Monday 8th March

Detailed Programme – Monday 8th March:

Description Presenters
10.00-11.00: Opening Session: WST21 Welcome
Prof. Mark Rogers, Registrar and Deputy President
Michael Sinnott, Director, UCD Agile
10.30-11.00: UCD CAH Exchanges Working Group – Collaborative, Student-Focused Solutions in Response to Cancellation of Exchange Programmes.

This session showcases how colleagues from across the College of Arts and Humanities, in the form of the CAH Exchanges Working Group, came together in the face of the cancellation of autumn-trimester exchange programmes.

In the space of a few weeks, through consultation communication and collaboration, the College was in a position to offer different options to affected students that had the support of stakeholders around the University including the students themselves.

This presentation will hopefully provide ideas to colleagues if they face unexpected challenges. The presenters would love to hear from attendees as to how they have solved challenges collaboratively so that it can be a learning experience for all of us.


Dr Gillian Pye, Associate Dean (Undergraduate), College of Arts and Humanities, Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in German, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics. 

Ruth Redahan, International Programme Manager, College of Arts & Humanities

Amy Smith Interim Programme Manager for BA Humanities and BA International Modern Languages in the College of Arts & Humanities. 

11.00-11.30: Access Classics: Beginning an outreach programme

Participants will be introduced to how we began our award-winning outreach programme Access Classics from the ground up with no funding. Initiated primarily as a voluntary effort, we developed and upskilled during the course of implementing this programme, and we want to share what we learned along the way to enable you to begin your own project. From marketing to promotion to social media and website design to working remotely with very little background on these tools when we started we will share with you how we developed, upskilled and continue to run this successful programme. 

Ms Tasneem Filaih, BA, MA University College Dublin, School Manager in UCD School of Classics, Dr Bridget Martin University College Dublin PhD, Occasional Lecturer School of Classics, Dr Christopher Farrell PhD, Lecturer School of Classics. 
1.00-2.00: Google Currents – Networking opportunities and view Posters    
2.30-3.00: CORE Employee Self Service Diversity Screen

Core Employee Self Service (ESS) Diversity Screen Background: All University employees are invited to update or amend their diversity data confidentially and voluntarily in Core ESS Diversity screen. The development of this screen marks a significant move forward for the University in the area of Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). This is the first time that the University will collect data across all nine equality grounds for existing employees and it is hoped that this new tool will assist us in getting a clearer understanding of the diversity makeup within the University community and to help us achieve our EDI and University strategic objectives. Presentation Overview: The EDI and the HRIS units partnered to develop the Core Employee Self Service (ESS) Diversity Screen which was launched in November 2020. Our presentation will focus on how we managed to drive this project whilst working remotely due to Covid-19. We will share the benefits and an overview of the Core ESS Diversity screen. We will also discuss what systems/tools helped us whilst working on this project remotely. Finally, we will talk about how we plan to further increase awareness and engagement of the Core ESS Diversity Screen.

Tom Costelloe – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Officer and Louise Bloomfield –  HRIS Analyst 
3.00-4.00: LinkedIn Learning – Let’s build the reach

Your University Needs You!
Be a LinkedIn Learning Curator for your team.
The LinkedIn Learning Curator functionality is simple to use and empowers you to develop home-grown learning paths relevant to the particular development requirements of your School or Unit. So, come on, let’s send a pulse across UCD to target development locally and grow our learning habit. Join us to find out what it’s all about and start to curate content within 10 minutes of the end of our session.

Here are presentation slides from Sara Jones from LinkedIn Learning containing a 1 page summary of the new L&D workforce learning report, 1 page summary of Content Curator and the Curator Playbook.  

Joyce McLoughlin – People and Organisation Development Manager, UCD. Joyce is responsible for the roll-out of LinkedIn Learning in UCD and the integration of this tool as a development option for staff to use on-demand.
Sara Jones – Higher Education Partner, LinkedIn
Licia Carlesi – Senior Exec Admin EDI Unit, UCD. Licia is a LinkedIn Learning content curator for the Equality Diversity and Inclusion team and for the EDI website.
Louise Power – Learning and Development Manager, Trinity College Dublin. Louise is responsible for LinkedIn Learning in TCD, where over the last 2 years they have been using the platform to develop employees and students.