Discover WST Summer School 2020 line-up and book your tickets now

This year’s Work Smarter Together Summer School is taking place on 14th, 15th and 16th July 2020!

We are very excited to reveal this year’s line-up below. Due to high demand we have added extra sessions.

There are now 12 sessions to choose from (note: some sessions are delivered over two half days). As always, there will be an opportunity to meet your UCD colleagues, pick up new ideas and learn new skills. 

Don’t miss out – register for tickets today!

Day 1: Tuesday 14th July 2020
Session 1.A: 9.45-12.15 Yellow Belt training part 1 of 2
Session 2.A: 9.00-13.00 PROSCI Fundamentals of Change Management training part 1 of 2
Session 3: 11.00-12.00 Workshopping remotely
Session 4: 14.00-15.00 Unified Support Model Showcase 
Session 5: 14.00-15.30 The Value Proposition Canvas and Jobs to be Done
Day 2: Wednesday 15th July 2020
Session 6: 9.45-12.15 White Belt training
Session 7: 11.00-13.00 (Re)evaluating remit in “New Normal”
Session 8: 13.00-13.30 Bring Your Own Biscuits
Session 9: 14.00-15.30 Mural and the Lightning Decision Jam
Day 3: Thursday 16th July 2020
Session 1.B: 9.45-12.15 Yellow Belt training part 2 of 2
Session 2.B: 9.00-13.00 PROSCI Fundamentals of Change Management training part 2 of 2
Session 10: 10.00-11.00 Workshopping remotely
Session 11: 11.00-12.30 Mural and the Lightning Decision Jam
Session 12: 14.00-15.30 The Value Proposition Canvas and Jobs to be Done

Day 1: Tuesday 14th July 2020

Session 1.A: Yellow Belt training 

This training provides participants with a good understanding of the key concepts and tools of Lean Six Sigma and includes a hands-on lean process simulation exercise. Ideal for those who intend to put the tools to use. There is no need to complete the White Belt training first as the content of it will be covered during the sessions.

Time: 9.45am – 12.15pm, Tuesday 14

This training is delivered by SQT over two half days.

Book now via InfoHub Booking Centre

Session 2.A: PROSCI Fundamentals of Change Management training

If change is the journey from some current state to some desired future state, and change is always about change for people, how do you manage and shape that journey, getting to where you want to go, and sustaining the good things gained?  How do you reduce the risk of spending time and energy without getting the gains?

Having a clear and (relatively) simple approach to managing change is key.  Don’t think “How do I justify change management?”, think “How do I justify not managing change?”

This experiential learning program delivers the fundamental concepts of PROSCI’s approach to change management and establishes how effective change management can help you achieve the benefits you are aiming for.

Time: 9.00am-13.00pm, Tuesday 14

This session is delivered by Stepstone Consulting over two half days.

Online booking is not available.

Session 3: Workshopping remotely

Over the past few months we have all adapted rapidly – and largely successfully –  to our new working environments. This workshop looks beyond our day-to-day work by addressing the question of how can I run a successful remote workshop?

Using Agile’s favourite remote workshopping tool, Mural, we will look at how to set up and run a successful workshop. Both the technical aspects of workshop planning and structure as well as facilitation skills for a digital environment will be addressed and participants will be encouraged to share their experience, questions and concerns regarding workshopping from home.

Time: 11.00am-12.00pm, Tuesday 14

Book now via Eventbrite

Session 4: Unified Support Model Showcase 

Over the last 18 months over 250 staff from across UCD have been involved in the rollout of the Unified Support Model (

This Showcase is for anyone who has been involved in or is interested in the Unified Support Model. Some members of the USM community will be telling their stories about what they’ve found valuable and what being part of the USM has meant for their teams and their students.

We’ll be looking at the 5 building blocks of the USM, Philosophy, People, Process, Systems and Physical, and taking a closer look at what shape these have taken within some of the teams.

The session will involve presentations from 5 of the offices where the USM has been embedded, followed by an opportunity for attendees to get answers to their burning questions about the USM.

Time: 14.00pm-15.00pm, Tuesday 14

Book now via Eventbrite

Session 5: The Value Proposition Canvas and Jobs to be Done

When you are putting your time and energy into doing something new, or making something better, how do you make sure you do not waste your time and energy?  One way – by doing the right thing right.

What’s ‘right’?  You know why you are doing it – right?  What about the people you are doing it for?  What is ‘right’ for them?  Two rights make a right. 

How do you sketch the full picture?  Capture it in the Value Proposition Canvas. How you do you understand the ‘other’ in this?  Ask yourself “what job are they looking to do?” with what you provide for them – the new thing, the fix, the ‘better’.  We will use Zoom, Mural, the Value Proposition Canvas, video content…. and you – online collaboration in action.

Time: 14.00pm-15.30pm, Tuesday 14

Book now via Eventbrite

Day 2: Wednesday 15th July 2020

Session 6: White Belt training

This is an is an introduction to how Lean is used for continuous improvement in UCD. Participants are provided with an overview of the Lean approach to process improvement and are exposed to continuous improvement tools/techniques through hands on exercises using real UCD processes.

Time: 9.45am-12.15pm, Wednesday 15

Book now via InfoHub Booking Centre

Session 7: (Re)evaluating remit in “New Normal”

With the recent crisis, people are doing their jobs in a new way. Some of this may involve doing things that you’ve never done before. Some of the ways you’re now doing things may be better, others may be more challenging. This session is an opportunity to take what’s good and make the future better.

We’re looking to bring together staff from College and School Offices across the campus for

  • An opportunity to reflect on what you’ve been doing over the last few months and highlight what has worked well
  • A chance to make sure that ‘what works’ continues
  • A way to avoid repeating what did not work by acknowledging it

Time: 11.00am-13.00pm, Wednesday 15

Book now via Eventbrite

Session 8: Bring Your own Biscuits (BYOB)

One of our favourite things about Work Smarter Together events is the opportunity it gives people to come together, to meet other UCD staff they may not have met otherwise, and to do so in an informal setting. The WST Summer School 2020 is no different.

Join this half an hour networking opportunity hosted by UCD Agile for an opportunity to meet colleagues from across UCD – without the risk of coming away with action items! We will bring some fun icebreakers to get things moving. All you need to do is bring your own biscuits (BYOB).

Time: 13.00pm-13.30pm, Wednesday 15

Book now via Eventbrite

Session 9: Mural and the Lightning Decision Jam

We are looking at two certainties – working remotely (all off site; some on, some off) and responding to, or driving, change.  What can we use to help working together?  How can we go from questions to actions without spending forever in analysis and documents?  How can we all have the same picture, create it together, be heard?

This session will show you Mural in action and introduce you to the Lightning Decision Jam – it is fast, it is about deciding on actions… and it is a jam session! (Think musical jam not strawberry jam).  This is about folks working together to produce something none could do on their own.  Join in.  We will use Zoom, Mural, the LDJ, drawing in Trello/Planner, ops boards and daily huddles.

Time: 14.00pm-15.30pm, Wednesday 15

Book now via Eventbrite

Day 3: Thursday 16th July 2020

Session 1.B: Yellow Belt training 

Time: 9.45am – 12.15pm, Thursday 16

Session 2.B: PROSCI Fundamentals of Change Management training 

Time: 9.00am-13.00pm, Thursday 16

Session 10: Workshopping remotely

Time: 10.00am-11.00am, Thursday 16

Book now via Eventbrite

Session 11: Mural and the Lightning Decision Jam

Time: 11.00am-12.30pm, Thursday 16

Book now via Eventbrite

Session 12: The Value Proposition Canvas and Jobs to be Done

Time: 14.00pm-15.30pm, Thursday 16

Book now via Eventbrite

See you in July!