Distributed Office training survey results

"It was good that the sessions were hands-on. And I found going to more than one session useful, to get more practice using mural. I liked the short format, as I felt I could fit it into my working day without impacting my other work."

— DO training attendee

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our recent Distributed Office training survey!   Over the past few months, we ran a series of Distributed Office (DO) offerings which originated from the fact-finding survey carried out last year on the ‘Distributed Office’ where we looked at the ‘common tools for common tasks’ and identified the needs, gaps and challenges in working as part of a distributed team. 

Your feedback to this latest DO survey is the key to ensuring our DO sessions remain directly relevant to you and your needs – thank you.

Survey results

Here’s a short summary of key findings from the survey:

  • We had responses from people who attended a range of the seven DO offerings.

  • Overall Rating of DO sessions: 4.4 (out of 5)
Key findings
  • Sharing of experiences:  The value of other participants – sharing what works well and hearing about the common challenges was mentioned in numerous responses.  Participants value support on the common issues being raised.
  • Participants specifically mentioned the usefulness of the practical tools they can take away to put into action with their own teams.  For example, checklists  for new starters(DO: Joining a Team Remotely) and tools for managing meetings (DO: Streamlining Meetings). 
Feedback for future DO sessions

You gave us some great ideas for future sessions!  The Agile+ team are busy working on a selection of new offerings, based on your feedback, so keep an eye on this space for updates. 

Here’s a summary of what you said,  if you have any suggestions for future sessions just email agile@ucd.ie – we’d love to hear from you:

Your ideas for future DO sessions

  • A session on group brainstorming/creative thinking/problem solving
  • Task Management tools 
  • Help with planning and organising online events