WST March 2023 Keynote Speakers Announced

Keynote Speakers Announced

Work Smarter Together is delighted to announce our keynote speakers for March 2023

This March 23, the theme of WST 23 is ‘Celebrating Us’.  The people of UCD are the vital core of UCD, driving our ongoing success as an organisation. Without the initiative, ingenuity and perseverance of individuals and units to deliver the high level services we offer to students, colleagues and globally, UCD simply wouldn’t be the success story it is today. Without people, there is no UCD. This year we want to celebrate that success by providing a day of speakers, panels & presentations that celebrate that success.

We are thrilled to have found keynote speakers who reflect this innovation and ingenuity and the theme of celebration of pursuing and reflecting on success in its many forms.

Dr Lollie Mancey – opening speaker

Dr Lollie Mancey is Course Director and entrepreneurial specialist in UCD’s Innovation Academy. She is also Director of three businesses making her a serial entrepreneur.

With a PhD in Organisational Learning and an academic background in Anthropology she brings a unique perspective to innovation and entrepreneurship.

She is the winner of the UCD 2022 Excellence in Teaching Awards as well as the inaugural Trinity University Dermot McAleese Teaching Award.

She was also Dublin Story slam champion 2018 in competitive storytelling. Since then she has gone on to host a monthly Radio Show on Dublin South FM and a successful podcast ‘An Entrepreneur Like you’ (Spotify et al).

She is a vibrant keynote speaker who advocates for progressive education, equality and diversity in business, and has a wealth of experience in the entrepreneurial sector.

Click the link to find out more about her here

Justin Caffrey – closing speaker

Justin is a skilled storyteller narrating his professional and personal journey in a way that everyone from boardroom tables to kitchen tables can relate toHe is one of Europe’s leading minds in resilience, leadership, business strategy, psychological safety and practical neuroscience. He has taught and coached global talent for over twenty-five years, building and selling million-dollar businesses. Justin’s techniques have been viewed over 1 million times on YouTube

He holds a Master’s in Psychological Interventions using Neuroscience and Mindfulness from University College Dublin. He is also trained as a Psychotherapeutic Coach, an Accredited Wellness coach from the Mayo Institute and is a Certified Investment Fund Director.

He is one of only a handful of Westerners to complete the gruelling Masters Training with the Yamabushi in the remote mountains of Shonai in Japan.

Click the link to find out more about him here