‘Person-Centred Culture of Care’ key message from 5th Annual Mater Lean Symposium

By Nuria Corcoran
The 5th Annual Lean Symposium – Lean Six Sigma for Person-Centred Culture of Care – took place on 23rd November and showcased successful examples of “Person Centred” process changes delivered in the Mater Hospital over the past 12 months.
The delegates present in the Catherine McAuley Centre were addressed by Simon Harris TD, Minister for Health with the keynote presentation delivered by Professor Brendan McCormack, Head of the Division of Nursing; Associate Director Centre of Person-Centred Practice Research, Queen Margaret University.
At the sessions attended by UCD Continuous Improvement Leads and UCD Agile, the project stories were particularly interesting and thought provoking. The projects gave insight into the Lean tools they used and into the challenges and successes they had on each project.
The poster competition was won by ‘The Remote Heart Monitoring’, the project team successful in reducing the amount of unscheduled appointments by 70% .
It was a truly excellent session which delivered a very positive message, I look forward to next years event.