Posters Uploaded

Judges Choice: Winner – Automating our processes by Mairead Magee and David Peelo. Emma Hurley receives the award on behalf of her colleagues

Public Vote: Programme Office Directors are presented with their prize for best poster, as voted by the public, by Mark Rogers, Deputy President and Registrar
As promised the posters from WST are now available. For those of you who didn’t get the chance to make it to WST 2017 you now have the opportunity to find out about the creative and collaborate projects and initiatives that have been taking place across campus.
There was a clear favorite among attendees on the day, the poster entitled “UCD Programme Offices, Working Smarter Together since 2005…..Driving Change to Deliver UCD’s Strategic Agenda” was the winner of the public vote. This collaborative effort from programme office directors – Suzanne Kealy, Aileen Ward, Annette Forde, Aoife Doherty, Brid Reason, Caroline Fine, Iris Burke, John Buckley, Nadia D’Alton and Sue Philpott, also received honorary mention during the judges awards.
The judges had a tough time deciding on the winner of the judges choice poster. After much deliberation, the poster entitled “Automating our Processes” was announced as the winner. This poster, submitted by Mairead Magee and David Peelo, clearly demonstrated the collaboration required to the make this process improvement project a success.
Congratulations to all on their fantastic work, it was a tough choice deciding on the winners!

Automating our Processes Enabling students to use SISWeb to request a Leave of Absence/Programme Withdrawal

UCD Programme Offices Working smarter together since 2005… …driving change to deliver UCD’s strategic agenda