Register Now: The Stories Behind University-wide Initiatives

The next WST CoP event will take place at 2pm on Tuesday, 30 October in the Moore Auditorium, O’Brien Centre for Science. As well as an update from UCD Agile, we are delighted to announce four guest speakers who will speak about their University-wide initiatives.
Iseult Ó Síocháin – Student Decisions Process Improvement
Iseult is a Green Belt candidate running the Student Delegated Authority Decisions project. Iseult will share her experience of the Green Belt training and provide insight into the valuable collaborations that were essential to this project.
Jeremy Britton – Unified Support Model
Jeremy is currently managing the roll out phase of the of the Unified Support Model (USM) as recommended by the Student and Academic Services Review. He’ll be providing some insights into what a “Unified Support Model” means, how the roll out is going, and the opportunities the USM presents for the University.
Aisling O’Grady – UCD Mental Health Week 2018
Since their coming together as a unified team two years ago, the student advisers have joined forces with colleagues across campus to deliver initiatives. One such initiative is UCD Mental Health Week which took place this year from 3rd to 10th October. Aisling will share with us the story behind UCD Mental Health Week and the collaborations from across the campus that made this initiative work.
Marian O’Connor – Your VLE Brightspace – one virtual learning space for all
Marian O’Connor is the Senior Project Manager for the Future VLE project which is supporting the transition of the entire campus to our new VLE, Brightspace. Marian will take us behind the scenes on the Future VLE project and let us know what to expect in the coming months.
The event will be an opportunity not only to build knowledge but will also to meet colleagues from around the campus.
We look forward seeing you there!
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