UCD Agile learning and professional development training

UCD Agile offers training in Lean that is designed to provide UCD staff with the knowledge and tools to start applying the principles of Lean back in their workplace. 

As part of our on-going training, we have three sessions coming up later in September:  Fundamentals of Lean, Yellow Belt, and Lean Practitioner.

Fundamentals of Lean (While Belt) is a half day introductory session which, as you would expect, gives a broad sense of what Lean offers, how you might use it, and hands on work with some of the Lean tools. 

Yellow Belt is a full day’s session which goes into Lean in more detail and uses more of the tools than on the ‘Lean Fundamentals’ training.  Sometimes folks take Yellow Belt after Lean Fudamentals; sometimes it is the first training they do.  It can be useful to come to Yellow Belt training with an initiative or project in mind – having something concrete like this can help you see the training as a means to an end rather than just another training course.  In a similar way, two or three people from the one office coming together can work really well if they have some shared initiative or project in mind. 

Lean Practitioner is aimed at those who have taken Yellow Belt training and would like to earn UCD Agile’s Lean Practitioner Certification for a project they have completed or area about to undertake.  This training session prepares you for what is required to earn the certification.  UCD Agile also provides mentoring support for those pursuing the Lean Practitioner certification.

There are currently three courses on offer:

Fundamentals of Lean for UCD (White Belt)

Date: 19.09.2019

Time: 9.30-13.00

Audience: all staff

What will you learn on this course?

  • Understand what a process is
  • To identify Value Vs Waste
  • Understand customers and recognise their requirements

Key tools

  • Charter
  • Process map
  • Fishbone
  • To be process map
  • Before Vs After Graphs, A3 Report

Prerequisites:  none

Yellow Belt

Date: 12.09.2019 & 09.10.2019

Time: 9.30-17.00

Audience: all staff with a process improvement project in mind

What will you learn on this course?

  • Outline and apply concepts and principles of Lean Six Sigma
  • Understand DMAIC methodology
  • To apply some of the key Lean Six Sigma tools to eliminate waste and tackle issues
  • To use the Agile A3 Report (DMAIC on a page)

Key tools

  • Charter &SIPOC
  • Process Map, Data Collection Screening & Pareto
  • Fishbone, Cause Screening & 5 Whys
  • Anti-Solutions, PICK Chart & To Be Process Map
  • Before Vs After Graphs, A3 Report

Prerequisites:  none

Lean Practitioner

Date: 26.09.2019

Time: 10.00-12.00

Audience: Yellow Belts who are key participants on a process improvement project

What will you learn on this course?

  • Appropriate use of Lean tools
  • Lean Problem Solving Process
  • Visual Storytelling

Key tools

  • A3 Report

Prerequisites:  Yellow Belt


All the above courses are delivered in UCD Agile, Ardmore Annex. To read more on our various training offerings go to UCD Agile website.

To book your place visit booking centre in InfoHub.