Welcome to the August Newsletter

By Michael Sinnott, Director of Agile

Welcome to the WST newsletter and month six of ‘is this really the new normal?’

If blistering summer sunshine usually means students are sitting exams somewhere (not this year!) then a bright, warm, wet, humid day can only mean it must be August in Ireland.  (Oops.. Had to close the window as the rain is blowing in on my laptop).  Hopefully you had a good break and are ready to return to… to your bedroom / kitchen / living room / campus office (delete as appropriate).

In our August newsletter we are keeping a broad theme of how folks are getting on with the work of the University amidst the complexities of the world around us.  The report from the WST Summer School in July, and the article on the distributed office from Amy pick up on remote working and distributed teams.  Feel free to follow up with any of the authors or folks mentioned.

For all the planning and preparations being carried out now, our biggest challenge is likely to be dealing with the unforeseen, the circumstances outside our control, and our biggest strengths are our commitment and our colleagues.  Good luck with the start of the new academic year.  See you at the next WST Event in October and in the next Newsletter in November.

Be sure to contact us if there is anything you would like to see, or to contribute, to this heady mix of University life.
