Unified Support Model Showcase – Video Launch

By Amy McDonald, USM Rollout Team

The Unified Support Model has now been active (and growing!) for two years. During this time we have always tried to take a step back to acknowledge the progress we have made, the relationships and connections we have formed with the USM community, and to celebrate your successes. We have found ourselves more inclined to keep looking forward, planning what is next, or working through a worldwide pandemic, meaning that reflecting on achievements has not always been our main priority.

When the Agile Team asked us to be part of this year’s Work Smarter Together Summer School we knew this would be a great opportunity to take the time to look back and celebrate the USM and the teams we have worked with over the last two years.

While we were all working remotely it was great to bring some of our colleagues together to tell their stories about what being part of developing and operating the Unified Support Model has meant for their teams and their students, and what they have found valuable during this time, and to share this with the Work Smarter Together community.

So, enough from us – here are the presentations from our six contributors.

Shelly Power, Engineering & Architecture Office, talks about her experiences being part of the USM Learning Team, working collaboratively with colleagues across campus and her insights gained.

Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Programme & Operations Manager in the School of Medicine Office, talks about his team’s experience engaging with the USM, and how they are using it’s systems to enhance and plan for student support activity.

Ulrike Mosig, Team Lead in the Arts & Humanities Office, talks about her team’s experiences of engaging with the Unified Support Model.

Maureen Reynolds, School of Law, talks about her experiences working on the Continuation Process Rapid Improvement Event.

Mairead McCann, Social Sciences Office, talks about her experiences working on UCD’s first Rapid Improvement Event.

Catherine McDonnell, Team Lead of the Student Desk, Registry, talks about how Registry engaged with and embedded the Unified Support Model, and how it has helped join up services for students.