Welcome to the June 2024 WST Newsletter

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of the Work Smarter Together Newsletter – ‘Time for work’. In this newsletter we asked colleagues from across UCD to reflect on how they create and manage the time they need to do their work. This is a topic the Agile team hears frequently as we support the continuous improvement efforts all across UCD. The contributions we have received are, we think, very relatable and come packed with practical tips. If you put any of these tips into practice be sure to let us know – and give the contributor a shout out on UCD Workvivo so they know they’ve had a positive impact! On the topic of Workvivo… make sure you sign up to the Agile space where we regularly provide insight into the work we do with colleagues across UCD as well as practical tools and resources to support continuous improvement.

Back to the newsletter.. Among your favourites from past editions, ‘Ecosystem of a Project’, and double ‘A Day in the Life’, you will find a new feature ‘The Water Cooler’, where Mark Simpson chats about Workvivo and how it’s going across UCD. We also have an update on the Event Managers Communities of Practice (CoP), one of UCD’s newest CoP’s.

Make sure to check out the WST Summer School which runs from July 1-3 and offers a series of short hands-on sessions that we hope will give you some practical learning to take into your work.

I hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter. Please send us any feedback or suggestions you have for future editions to agile@ucd.ie or in the Agile space on UCD Workvivo. Have a great summer and I look forward to seeing some of you at the Summer School in July.


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