Work Smarter Together 2014

Latest update: Thanks to everyone who attended the event and to those of you who gave us feedback. This will help us shape the programme for future events.

The slides from the breakout sessions and posters are now available. Thanks again to all those who attended and made the day such a success.


Work Smarter Together is a one day university-wide event for UCD staff. The purpose is to create an environment within which to learn from each other and industry leaders, collaborate with colleagues and strengthen the relationship between the academic, administrative and research community. It is an opportunity to consider new approaches to the changing landscape of higher education, social media and the huge amount of University data being generated.

The forum is being hosted by three support units within the University – the Library, IT Services and Registry.

Event details

The event will take place on Thursday, 13 March 2014 from 10am – 4pm in the UCD O’Brien Centre for Science (Science East). All UCD staff are welcome but please note that places will be limited.

Special guests

We are delighted to announce that the President of UCD, Professor Andrew Deeks will open this event, followed by keynote speaker Lord David Puttnam (Digital Champion for Ireland).

We are putting the final touches to what promises to be a thought-provoking and practical programme and we have a range of stimulating speakers lined up. To find out more about the speakers, click here. We will be updating this website as we get more details about the event and speakers so check back regularly!



9.30am Registration Opens

Collect your name badge at the reception desk
Atrium of UCD O’Brien Centre for Science (Science East)
10.00am Opening Address

UCD President: Professor Andrew Deeks
Auditorium E0.08, UCD O’Brien Centre for Science (Science East)
10.15am Keynote Speaker

Lord David Puttnam, Digital Champion for Ireland
Auditorium E0.08
11.00am Coffee Break & Poster Viewing

An opportunity to meet your colleagues
11.30am Breakout Session 1: Data, Data, Everywhere…

Topic 1: Make The Data Work For You
Graham Stone, University of Huddersfield & Lee O’Farrell, UCD Registry
ALE E1.17 & E1.18
Topic 2: Do The Right Thing: The fundamentals of data protection law in the University
TJ McIntyre, UCD School of Law & John Curran, UCD IT Services
ALE E2.16 & E2.17
12.30pm Plenary Session 1: Disengagement in an age of Engagement

Brian Hipkin, Dean of Students, Regent’s University and Vice Chair of AMOSSHE
Auditorium E0.08
1.15pm Lunch & Poster Viewing

2.00pm Breakout Session 2: Building Communities in Collaborative Spaces

Topic 4: Evolve! Digital and Social Trends in the Educational Space
Shane O’Leary, Agency Strategic Brand Planner
ALE H1.49
Topic 5: UCD Online: Community Spirit in Changing Landscapes
Olga Murdoch, UCD Online & Dr. Andrew Parnell, Lecturer, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
ALE E2.16 & E2.17
Topic 6: Using Space to Foster Collaboration in 21st Century Learning Environments – Newman Joyce Project Update
Ursula Byrne (UCD Library), Eliz Dunne (UCD Buildings & Services) & Professor Suzanne Quin (UCD School of Applied Social Science)
ALE E1.17 & E1.18
3.00pm Plenary Session 2: Big Data

Dr Brian MacNamee, Lecturer and Researcher, School of Computing DIT
Auditorium E0.08
3.45 – 4.00pm Closing Address

Auditorium E0.08