WST 19: Our people, shaping a better future – call for participation

Work Smarter Together 2019 (WST ’19), Thursday, 14 March is an exciting UCD-wide event dedicated to celebrating our creativity, innovation and collaboration, and this year’s theme is “Our people, shaping a better future”.
In this way, WST’19 is focusing on voice and empowerment – having a voice, being heard, having ways to engage, being empowered – looking to how we can shape the future, how do we can make it better? (Check About WST for more details on bigger WST picture and some of the WST history).
Inspired by our theme, we are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker is internationally acclaimed speaker, Manley Hopkinson. We are working with Manley and our venue hosts, UCD Student Centre, to bring you something very special.
Get involved with Work Smarter Together 2019: Call for Participation
What does the ‘our people, shaping a better future’ theme mean for you? WST ’19 is about us, the UCD community. It is about how we tackle change. And it is about how we shape that change, making things better by who we are and what we do.
WST’19 creates an opportunity for colleagues from across UCD to get involved, share their experiences, and talk with their colleagues. We are inviting you to share your story about something you have done that…
…shapes the future
…shows collaboration
…impacts or empowers our people
…makes things better for…. our students, our people, our processes, our future
In the WST spirit of creativity and collaboration, we want you to take something back from your WST participation – can you use this opportunity to connect with audience on the day to help you further shape the future based on what you are sharing.
How can I participate?
We know that every story is best shared in a different way and WST’19 provides options for everyone to get involved, through:
- case studies
- posters
- themed joint sessions/presentations
If you have an idea of a format we have not listed let us know – we would love to explore this with you.
If you like to get involved, or explore an idea, let us know via the Google form here. We are running an information session on Wednesday 9 January 2019 at 11 am, having run one on 11 December 2018 as well. The sessions are an opportunity to hear more about WST 2019 and to explore how you might be one of the contributors.
How will you help me?
Members of the WST planning group are at your disposal should you want help in developing your content. In addition, we will be running presentation and poster skills workshops in the run up to the event. We will notify participants of these workshop dates as part of the content confirmation process.
Important dates
Information session for potential contributors – January 10 2019 – sign in here.
Expression of interest deadline – January 11 2019
Participation confirmation – January 25 2019
We look forward to your participation.
WST’19 Planning Group
Michael Sinnott, UCD Agile
Mark Simpson, Culture and Engagement – UCD HR
Andrew Myler, UCD Registry – Administrative Services
Marie Burke, UCD Library
Olga Murdoch, UCD Agile
Paul Barry, IT Services
Ciaran Bennett, UCD Estate Services
Jason Masterson, Student Services
Dipti Pandya, UCD Research
Helen Kenny, School of Economics
Allan Maguire, Finance Office