Programme Orienteering – Supporting the choices students make through their programmes

By Irene Rose
Long after local programme orientation is over, incoming students continue to face choices to be made through their programme; these choices may continue over weeks, months or even years. Supporting students to make informed choices is part of on-going programme orientation.
This workshop provides an opportunity to get together with others involved in bringing students to decisions regarding their programmes. It begins with a short presentation from Dr Karen Keaveney and Irene Rose on how academic, administrative and support staff collaborate as members of the UCD School of Agriculture & Food Science’s Student Engagement Committee to support student engagement. The Innovation Academy will then facilitate a creative session for attendees to participate in an exploration of current decision-points encountered by students, how they are supported and the challenges that arise.
Date: Tuesday, 20th February, 2018
Time: 12noon – 1:00pm
Location: Moore Auditorium
Audience: Anyone involved in supporting student choices through programme orienteering
Work Smarter Together – 20 February
The first Work Smarter Together Event of 2018 will take place in the Moore Auditorium, O’Brien Science Centre on Tuesday 20 February – sandwich lunch at 1pm, main session starts at 1.30, some CoP events before 1.
The Registrar, Prof Mark Rogers, will open the session and speakers on the day will include colleagues from Estates, Finance, HR, Business eLearning and Access and Life Long Learning… and perhaps a few more….
We encourage you to come along and hope you will be inspired by the speakers and the stories of what they have been doing.