WST March 2022 Recording & Presentation

This event took place from 10:30am -12:00pm on 14 March 2022.
0:00 – Welcome by Agile Director – Michael Sinnott
1:59 – Opening remarks from Professor Barbara Dooley
9:37 – The Remote Working Group and Me: Connected Administration – Colin Burke, Unified Support Model
23:09 – Meetings across continents: China Joint Colleges use of Meeting Management Software – Paula McGarry (China Joint Colleges Office) 
41:23 – The latest technology for making hybrid meetings work – Susan Gray (IT Services) 
59:47 – Me, my work, and my building: Activity Based Working – Chantelle Guilfoyle (HR), Helen Crowe (HR), Maureen Quinn (President’s Office)

Following on from the success of Work smart while being apart in March 2021 and  Getting things done in the Distributed Office in October 2020, this event promises more stories and insights from your colleagues working on and off campus.

Click the segment title to download a copy of the presentations below.

The Remote Working Group and Me: Connected Administration – Colin Burke, Unified Support Model

This presentation will look at the impact of the Remote Working Group (RWG) and explore how it has become a space where administrative staff from across the university can connect, share their experiences, support each other, and find solutions to common problems. It will examine if the RWG has delivered on expectations from the perspective of its members and will consider how the RWG gives voice to the frontline.

Meetings across continents: China Joint Colleges use of Meeting Management Software – Paula McGarry (China Joint Colleges Office)

This presentation explores how staff in the China Joint Colleges Office have been using Decision Time to organise and support cross-cultural virtual meetings academic / management meetings since November 2020. Currently we have 55 users across four institutions*.

The Decision Time meeting management system has transformed our approach to all aspects of the meeting process. The  team have experienced immediate benefits from this transformation including but not limited to:

  • Improved effectiveness and reduced the time for preparing and running meetings.
  • Better engagement and more information for better decisions.
  • Strong focus on making, recording and distributing meeting decisions and follow-up tasks.

*The China Joint Colleges Office [CJCO] provides administrative services to University College Dublin’s three Joint Colleges in China: Beijing Dublin International College (BDIC), Chang’an Dublin International College of Transportation (CDIC), and Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences & Technology (GDIC)

The latest technology for making hybrid meetings work – Susan Gray (IT Services)

This presentation focuses on the use of Zoom Rooms and Google Room calendar resources to manage meetings and meeting rooms.  We will use DTEN equipment (large-screen displays with in-built camera and microphones) to show you how to conduct your hybrid meetings in Zoom.  Both touch-screen and voice-activated, the DTEN is a highly intuitive product and this interactive session will provide you with an overview of how easy scheduling and running hybrid meetings can be.

Me, my work, and my building: Activity Based Working – Chantelle Guilfoyle (HR), Helen Crowe (HR), Maureen Quinn (President’s Office)

This presentation will focus on the exciting concept of ‘activity based working’ (ABW), which holds particular resonance in the evolving global hybrid working  environment. UCD has commenced an ABW pilot in Ardmore House and we will hear from both CG and HC, UCD ABW Leads on how this pilot has been approached and progressing specific to the UCD context.  We are delighted that our colleague Maureen Quinn, Ardmore House Resident will also share her personal perspective on her ABW experience in UCD  thusfar.