Excel Learning Community

By Gregori Meakin, Arts & Humanities Desk

The Excel Learning Community is an initiative to unlock the potential in the data, reports, and processes we use day-to-day, and the community that apply them – the emphasis is on development, application, deployment and dissemination.  It is not about expertise in Excel itself, but in how we can best use it as a tool to improve the processes we apply and the tasks we perform. 

It’s audience is an intersection of administrators, managers, educators, and technical supports that comes together with concepts, ideas, and challenges and to innovate, design and apply its shared knowledge and experience.

We use a mixture of Zoom sessions and an online community to keep conversations going and learning happening.

The main criteria to engage is curiosity, innovation and community sharing. If you’re interested in joining/coming along to the next meet-up, you can mail gregori.meakin@ucd.ie.

First meeting is next Tuesday 1st December at 2:30pm