Graduate Programme Orientation Workshop – Communities of Practice – 02 October 17

Following up on a very engaging and well attended workshop organised by the Programme Orientation Communities of Practice in July 2017 which focused on general Programme Orientation delivered at a local level, we are holding a specific session to discuss Graduate Programme Orientation which will then report back into the wider Programme Orientation CoP group.
If you are involved in the planning and delivery of Graduate Programme Orientation and would like to meet colleagues with a similar focus then please join us. The workshop will involve a presentation on one School’s approach to Graduate Orientation followed by a chance to discuss and share experiences and challenges.
If you are available to join us at lunchtime (1.15 – 2.00pm) to meet colleagues please bring along your own lunch and Tea/Coffee will be provided. Alternatively just come along for the main session which will take place from 2-3pm.
Session will take place in Agile, Ardmore Annex, UCD
Target Audience: Anyone involved in the planning and delivery of local Graduate Programme Orientation.