Kick-off meeting of the CoP – Chromatography

By Dr Sabine Harrison, School of Agriculture & Food Science

As part of the UCD Work Smarter Together Summer School, the new “Community of Practice – Chromatography” was launched on Tuesday, 16 July 2019. The kick-off meeting was attended by researchers, academics as well as technical staff. The focus of this Community of Practice (CoP) is to bring all users of chromatography together, independent of their experience, research focus or even whether or not they had their own equipment.

The first objective of the meeting was to introduce the “founding members” from the various UCD schools including Agriculture & Food Science, Chemistry and Veterinary Medicine and also to highlight the equipment they use and the research this equipment is used for.

The second point of the agenda was a presentation by Dr. Sabine Harrison, UCD School of Agriculture & Food Science. The title of this presentation was “Tips & Tricks for LC Method Development”. The presentation not only focused on the basic principles of liquid chromatography but also on the parameters that affect chromatography and which can then be used to achieve the desired outcome, i.e. separation of compounds of interest.

The meeting was well-received by all attendees and many discussions were held over tea, coffee and biscuits. In response to the launch, a Yammer group entitled “Community of Practice – Chromatography” was set up to not only upload the presentation of the launch meeting but also to facilitate networking across colleges, schools and sections between “official” meetings of the group. To join the group click on the link.



Sabine Harrison (, School of Agriculture & Food Science