One Thing to know about UCD Registry’s Staff Connector in 2024

Who are you guys?

We are the Student Desk, which is UCD Registry’s front-facing team based in the Customer & Curriculum Operations Unit.

Where do you fit in in the broader UCD picture?

Registry units and teams look after many of the administrative tasks and processes that bring students on their journey through the university. We facilitate, support and advise on the important touch  points of the journey including student recruitment, applying, assessment and grading, fee payments, registration of students to programmes,  the curriculum for programmes, and conferring. As well as supporting students we support staff, parents, prospective students, alumni and numerous other stakeholders internal and external.

What would you like to make your colleagues aware of coming into 2024?

We understand it can be difficult for UCD staff to know who to contact in Registry so we have developed a Staff Connector to help with that. It contains information on all the functions, areas and staff in Registry. It’s an expanding, dynamic resource that will become more useful as staff interact and feedback on it. For the initial pilot phase we hope it will answer commonly asked questions and provide useful information to those who use it. Have a look and if you have any questions, suggestions or comments contact or to discuss.

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