Morning parallel session details

Morning parallel sessions (A) 1130 – 1215

Each of the sessions allows for questions and answers so there will be the opportunity to explore in more detail some of what comes up during the session itself. But remember – the UCD presenters are all colleagues of yours so they are only every a phone call or email away if you want to follow up with them after the event.

Session 2: Unleashing our infrastructure – IDs, cards and creativity

Location: E2.16The necessary is always needed(!) and systems with our IDs and cards for carrying them around are certainly necessary! But when you have these necessities in place there is no need to stop. Come and see how joining up our infrastructure creates the scope for innovation and the unexpected.

Talk 1: “UCard and You: collaborating on the path to a Connected Campus” 

Brídín Walsh and Ian Eardley

Talk 2: Like a Swan : smooth on the service, paddling furiously underneath 

Samantha Drennan and Avril Patterson

Talk 3: How we learned to stop worrying and love the UCARD – the Student Desk Welcoming System 

Jeremy Britton

Session overview   Talks and presenters
Session 1:  Working with UCD Agile.

Location: H1.51 

From an early 2016 start, UCD Agile has been working with colleagues across the campus in various ways related to the ‘agility and effectiveness’ agenda set by UCD’s strategic plan.. This is a ‘see what we do, see how we can work with you, see where we are going’ session and a chance to talk about how some of the ideas coming out of the strategic plan align with a lot of our shared experience of wanting to address opportunities/challenges and develop the broad ‘support’ side of the University.

Talk 1: You, your hopes and UCD Agile

Michael Sinnott and Olga Murdoch


Session 3: First steps inside the door… Student orientation

Location: E1.49

We all know how important new students’ first days and weeks in UCD are in how they experience the rest of their time with us. This session shows two different angles on how we create and deliver student orientation: how innovation and collaboration help shape our students’ journey into UCD.

Talk 1: “Working together to welcome students into the UCD Community”

Jason Masterson, Aisling O’Grady, Emma Caron

Talk 2: Innovations in engagement: Overseas student orientation

Dr. Orna O’Brien, Matt Glowatz

Session 4: David Whyte

Location: H2.38

A dialogue with David on Conversational Leadership.

Talk 1: Half a ‘Shade Braver: The Foundations of Conversational Leadership’

David Whyte

Session 5: Love your analytics

Location: Moore Auditorium 

We always hear about the vast quantity of data in our students’ environment and how analytics can add value to that. The focus should not be on analysis but on doing – it is not so much about the analytics but what the analytics can help you do – the move from passive observers to active engagers, making the analytics work for you and your students.

Talk 1: Learning analytics

Lee O’Farrell