WST21: Registration is now open!
WST21: Work smart while being apart takes place online during the week of 08-12 March 2021. 
We’ll have a full week of creative and engaging presentations from UCD colleagues along with some guest speakers.
The full programme is available here – it will be updated as new entries are added.
You can register via Eventbrite.
We’re also delighted to have a Work Smarter Together Google Currents community as a virtual space to browse poster submissions, ask session facilitators questions, or just “bump into” fellow attendees, just as you would at an ‘live’ event! During sessions you will be able to post your observations and questions in real time under the #WST21 hashtag. This space will allow you to keep the conversation going between sessions and after the event has finished, so you don’t miss out on anything.
We look forward to seeing you at WST21!