UCD Warp It (Waste Action Reuse Portal)

By Pia Polotto, UCD Estate Services

Following on from the success of the UCD Furniture Re-use scheme which was featured in WST 2017, UCD Warp It was launched in April 2019, with an online catalogue of office furniture available to UCD staff and to charity/non- profit organisations in Ireland.

UCD Warp It is a web based, furniture reuse platform, and is part of a Green Campus initiative managed by UCD Estate Services to reduce our carbon footprint by diverting furniture from landfill, and reduce the costs to the University of storage and purchase of new furniture.

UCD staff simply register, (https://www.getwarpit.com/company/ucd), then use a login name and password to browse the catalogue, claim items, add a wish list, or upload their unwanted office furniture, with easy to follow instructions on the site.

Before any furniture is uploaded, an inspection on the item is carried out by the Estate Services team to make sure the furniture is fit for purpose. The item/items are then uploaded onto UCD Warp It, with a short description, measurements, photograph, location of the item and available collection date.

The response so far from the University and from Charities has been very encouraging, with over 200 active staff members and 7 active charities to date. Figures provided by Warp It as of the middle of August, have shown almost 20 tonnes of furniture diverted from landfill, representing a CO2 saving equivalent to taking 29 cars off the road, and a substantial furniture cost saving to the University.

Feedback and demand from charities registered with UCD Warp It has also been extremely positive, with charities benefiting from chairs, desks, whiteboards, cabinets, bicycles to mention but a few.

As the success of the initiative grows, the plan is to keep developing the range of items offered the  and also to develop partnerships with other similar organisations and make this a truly countrywide success story.



Pia Polotto (pia.polotto@ucd.ie), UCD Estate Services