Announcing WST 2017

Work Smarter Together is back. WST ’17, set for next March, will be the second University wide event dedicated to all that goes into making UCD an excellent place to teach, to research, to learn and to work.

Pencil in a date in your diary for the week of March 15th next.

UCD Agile is sponsoring Work Smarter Together for one clear reason – Agile’s ‘agility and effectiveness’ agenda resonates clearly with working smarter together. Part of Agile’s remit is to be a broad support for the people who make the University work and WST is an excellent example of how their creativity and energy has been recognised and celebrated in the past, one which emerged from within the UCD community.

Staff in Registry, IT Services and the Library hosted the 2014 event and drew from across the University. The group underpinning WST ‘17 will include the other main support units and beyond, broadening the scope and interest of what we will share at WST ’17.

Preparations are in the early stages. Watch this space.