UCD Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry

UCD Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Communities of Practice

The objective of the “Community of Practice – Chromatography” and the “Community of Practice – Mass Spectrometry” is to bring together all chromatographers and mass spectroscopists on campus, from beginner to well-seasoned user. Both are groups by users for users, promoting an exchange of knowledge and expertise just as much as an exchange of ideas and foster new collaborations.

As these techniques often, go hand-in-hand while also having significant differences, participation in one or both groups is open to discuss topics specifically relating to either chromatography or mass spectrometry.

These groups further aim to creating a “support network” for all users, facilitate exchanges of ideas as well as creating a space that is supportive of cross-campus collaborations.

The aim for the “CoP – Chromatography” is not only to meet every three months but also to “stay in touch” via our Yammer page which is open to everyone (https://bit.ly/2m9IFti). Through this message board it is possible to reach the community for queries as well as share articles and/or presentation that might be of interest to other users.

If you are interested in joining the group but are not quite ready to “take the plunge” by joining the Yammer group or you simply would like to get more information, please feel free to contact Dr. Sabine Harrison (sabine.harrison@ucd.ie).



Recent news from Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Communities of Practice:

UCD Mass Spectrometry Community of Practice

By Dr Jimmy Muldoon, School of Chemistry On 17th July 2019 the UCD Mass Spectrometry Community of Practice hosted a meeting as part of the UCD Agile WST Summer School. We were delighted to...

Posted in Chromatography, CoP News, Events, Mass Spectrometry, Newsletter August 2019, WST Summer School July 2019 | Comments Off on UCD Mass Spectrometry Community of Practice

Kick-off meeting of the CoP – Chromatography

By Dr Sabine Harrison, School of Agriculture & Food Science As part of the UCD Work Smarter Together Summer School, the new “Community of Practice – Chromatography” was launched on Tuesday, 16 July 2019....

Posted in Chromatography, CoP News, Events, Mass Spectrometry, Newsletter August 2019, WST Summer School July 2019 | Comments Off on Kick-off meeting of the CoP – Chromatography

UCD Mass Spectrometry Community of Practice #WST2019

By Dr Jimmy Muldoon, School of Chemistry On March 13th recently formed UCD Mass Spectrometry Community of Practice held a pre-event seminar as part of UCD’s Work Smarter Together event.  The Mass Spec Cop...

Posted in Chromatography, CoP News, CoPSpotlightArchive, Guest Post, Mass Spectrometry, Newsletter May 2019 | Tagged | Comments Off on UCD Mass Spectrometry Community of Practice #WST2019