Friday March 10 – four days to go

Folks, only four days to go to WST 2017.  I even feel like showing the hysteria of an exclamation mark or two.  Only four days!!WallCountDownClock

Our great wall clock has ticked down over the last couple of months and, as usual, time is accelerating at the end.   More people than you perhaps can imagine have been busy with planning, logistics, presentation preparations, posters, printing, organising, and now, as the day fast approaches, volunteering for the day – the very collaboration and creativity the event celebrates has been part of making it happen.

Registration for the event is full – constrained by plenary session capacity, we are having to turn down requests for late registrations.  Our apologies for any disappointment.  This all means there will be nearly 400 of us at the WST 2017, with well over 100 taking part in the workshops on Tuesday 14.

So one thing for sure – there will be crowds.  Avoid registration queues – a 10 am start does not, repeat not, mean it is safe to turn up at 9.59.  If you get the chance, call over to register on Tuesday afternoon – you’ll miss the Wednesday morning queues and get a chance to view the poster exhibition, opening at lunchtime on the Tuesday, once you’ve registered.  And keep your favourite posters in mind (no Eurovision Song Contest voting favouritism!) – you will get a chance to vote in the poster competition (e-voting though with no real worries the Russians might try to influence the outcome).

One last thing.  You’ll see and hear some mention of ‘the Work Smarter Together Community of Practice’ on Wednesday.  That’s because we are looking at putting flesh on the tag line ‘Work Smarter Together… more than just a one day event…’  Come and visit the Agile stand and keep an eye out for May 3 – it is a day we hope to talk more about.

On behalf of the planning group, the logistics team, the content buddies, the poster preparers and presentation polishers, the IT, AV and rooms people, the session chairs and the volunteers, we really look forward to seeing you on Wednesday and wish you the a successful WST 2017.
