Green Belt Update: Student Delegated Authority Decisions Project

By Olga Murdoch, Agile Lead.

When decisions are made by governing boards regarding the admission, progression, or graduation of students, Programme Offices/Graduate Schools submit a request to UCD Registry for changes to be made to the student record as appropriate. Examples include when a student changes their major or applies for a retrospective leave of absence.

To date, this process has had frustrating elements for all involved. Programme Offices/Graduate Schools experience frustration with varying turnaround times and a lack of transparency and ability to track the status of requests in the process. In Registry,  information provided using paper-based templates often required multiple follow ups. Green Belt candidate, Iseult Ó Síocháin is tackling these problems.

Following the Define, Measures, Analyse, Improve, Control cycle this project is currently in the Improve phase and a improved online version of the process has been designed which includes streamlining, validation, tracking and reporting on decisions,  and enhanced communication between the Registry teams involved in the process.

We look forward to hearing from Iseult and the team in the coming months and wish them luck with the rollout.