Work Smarter Together UCD

WST posters ready for printing

Thank you to all WST poster participants A big thank you to all those who submitted their posters last Thursday 23 February. We received some really interesting and creative designs that demonstrate exactly what...

Guest post by Emma Caron

In preparation for the parallel session, ‘First steps inside the door… student orientation’ I attended the Presentation skills workshop –Essential steps for presenting with confidence and clarity. This two-hour workshop, presented by Dr Craig...

WST 2017 Update

The call for participation closed last night with with over 60 expressions of interest. A big thank you to all of you who submitted a content proposal! It is great to have so many colleagues...

WST 2017 Programme

Main Event March 15 2017 Work Smarter Together 2017 will take place in the UCD O’Brien Centre for Science. You can sign up for the event from the 2nd February 2017. 0930 – 1000 Registration ...

Announcing WST 2017

Work Smarter Together is back. WST ’17, set for next March, will be the second University wide event dedicated to all that goes into making UCD an excellent place to teach, to research, to...

Work Smarter Together 2014

Latest update: Thanks to everyone who attended the event and to those of you who gave us feedback. This will help us shape the programme for future events. The slides from the breakout sessions and...